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今日绘本推荐《Hello, Red Fox》

2024-07-08 22:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

作者:Eric Carle 著

http://www.hui-ben.com/taiyuan/20111115/bigpic/1561.jpgRed Fox》" TITLE="今日绘本推荐《Hello, Red Fox》" />


Goethe (1749-1832) is celebrated as a great German poet, novelist, and philosopher. But in his eyes, color theory was his most significant achievement. In 1810 Goethe published Farbenlehre, naming three primary colors--red, blue, and yellow--from which all other colors could be made, and claiming that each color had an opposite, or complementary, color. But how does this relate to well-loved artist Eric Carle's Hello, Red Fox? Well, it's like this. On his special birthday, Little Frog's friends--Red Fox, Purple Butterfly, Orange Cat, and others--begin to arrive at his house for a party. Imagine Mama Frog's surprise when she perceives Red Fox as green, Purple Butterfly as yellow, and so on. Each time, Little Frog gently points out that she simply hasn't stared at each animal long enough to see his or her "true color." At the beginning of the book, readers are instructed to stare for ten seconds at the boldly colored animal on the left side of the spread, then transfer their unblinking gaze (more like glaze at this point) to the blank white page on the right. If they do that successfully, a shadowy image of the animal appears in its complementary color! Young kids may think this is magic, but actually the phenomenon taking place between the eye and the brain is called "simultaneous contrast after-image." No matter what you call it, it's amazing and fun to behold! The story itself is simple and deliberately repetitive, appealing to very young children, but the optical illusions will be a hit with all ages. Carle's bold collage illustrations are perfect for this playful spin around the color wheel, which ends with the green Little Frog turning red when Mama Frog kisses him in front of all of his friends. (Ages 4 to 8). Karin Snelson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. From Publishers Weekly "Carle offers a straightforward, repetitive text and minimalist cut-paper art to demonstrate Goethe's 19th-century color theory," said PW. Ages 2-up.   编辑推荐 这是绘本大师Eric创作的非常有趣的一本图画书!书名是《你好,红狐狸!》,描写的却是一只绿色的青蛙过生日的故事。在青蛙的生日聚会上,红色的狐狸、紫色的蝴蝶、橙色的猫,以及其他颜色的小动物们凑到一起。弄得青蛙妈妈眼睛都花了:红狐狸看起来怎么是绿色?紫蝴蝶看起来怎么是黄色?小青蛙提醒妈妈,她对颜色的幻觉是在转换视线的一刹那发生的…… 噢,原来这本书不仅仅讲故事,它还和小朋友们做了一个关于颜色的游戏!200年前歌德提出的三原色理论,红、蓝、黄可以组成任何的色彩——在200年后由Eric的画笔传神地展现出来,而且很有趣!   他们说   从书中可以体验到色彩的变化 关于颜色的一本有趣的书,妈妈和宝宝都能体验到书中所讲的颜色在一瞬间的变换,很好玩。宝宝极其有耐心的听妈妈从头到尾的讲了2遍,感觉不错。 很特別的一本書 運用視覺暫留的方式,認識了顏色的相反色,別出新裁的想法。   书摘与插图   http://www.hui-ben.com/taiyuan/20111115/news_img/201234170230.jpgRed Fox》" TITLE="今日绘本推荐《Hello, Red Fox》" />   http://www.hui-ben.com/taiyuan/20111115/news_img/201234170238.jpgRed Fox》" TITLE="今日绘本推荐《Hello, Red Fox》" />   http://www.hui-ben.com/taiyuan/20111115/news_img/201234170246.jpgRed Fox》" TITLE="今日绘本推荐《Hello, Red Fox》" /> http://www.hui-ben.com/taiyuan/images/bu.jpgRed Fox》" TITLE="今日绘本推荐《Hello, Red Fox》" />






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